Old Speck - Grafton Notch State Park, ME

damien's picture
Submitted by damien on

I just wanted to post a quick note about our hike this weekend. This hike had a number of firsts for us:

  • Renee wanted to have a break from hiking and spent it in the garden instead. It was just me and the three kids - a first for us. This is not something our family wants to do very often, but it was a well needed break for mom. The worst part about this is that I don't have any beautiful photos from our hike to attach to this post. There is no way I am lugging that huge DSLR up the mountain just to take a crappy photo (I just don't have Renee's eye or skill!).
  • This was our first 4000 footer, and the fourth highest mountain in Maine. We have now officially started our quest to get into the 4000 footers club. We don't know how long it will take (or if we will ever complete it), but it is giving us something to work towards. The view was spectacular and the kids were really excited to be doing something this big. They really felt like they were accomplishing something.
  • This was the longest hike the kids have ever done - 7.7 miles (round-trip). I am especially proud of our youngest, Brienne who is 6. She trucked through the whole thing without any complaint until the last half-mile before the parking lot. Up until this point, the longest we had done was 6 miles, but on extremely flat coastal terrain.

I knew this hike was going to be a bit of a stretch for the kids, but I was interested in seeing how they would respond. One of the most encouraging things for me was that they took the challenge head on, and it actually fueled their enthusiasm for future treks. At one point, about 2/3rds up to the summit, my oldest daughter said "I am really starting to like hiking. I liked it before, but now I am actually really enjoying it". I was not expecting that! When we got near the summit, they actually ran full-tilt and cheered when they got to the top.

I guess the moral of the story is that you probably shouldn't underestimate the capabilities of kids... they may just surprise you!



Your kids had fun because

Your kids had fun because you've been training them to have fun all along. Now it's showing fruit. Good for Brienne! Tough little girl there. My eleven year old just asked me yesterday if we could go hiking soon. She wants something more challenging than Mt. Major. Haven't figured it out yet, but perhaps Cardigan or the Carriage Rd up Mt. Moosilauke.
As for photos, this is where the little basic digital cameras shine. Small, light and simple. Old speck is a very nice hike.


[...] ago, our family was camping in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This past weekend Damien took the kids on the longest hike they've ever been on, almost 8 miles, up the highest mountain they've ever climbed (the 4th highest [...]

Yes we are. Eastern NH to be

Yes we are. Eastern NH to be more precise, not too far from you. We are also home school freaks. If you can see the email address, feel free drop me a line. I'd love to have another excuse to hit the trail (being invited by strangers is a great excuse). Fall is the best time in Maine.

Oh...one more thing. I've

Oh...one more thing. I've been experimenting with barefoot. Doing a little running. like to do a bit o barefoot hiking. Feet are yet tender. found your blog through john siffermen.

That's awesome!

I love that you do this with your kids! My dad drug us around everytime we went on a camping trip (growing up in Orange County didn't offer too many wilderness experiences) and though we may have complained a bit in the end we always enjoyed it and I still remember them all! You're right to not underestimate kids, and I love that you do this with yours!