We recently entered a contest that was put on by GoLite to find everyday athletes to use as models for their catalog. In order to enter in the competition we had to write a story/article and submit some photos. Here's our submission (we didn't win).
I also submitted this post to The Kathleen Show's Prevention Not Prescriptions.
Now time for a mini-rant (we didn't submit this to the contest): While I like the idea of a company using everyday people as models for their products, I think someone needs to take things farther. Where are the families? Everyday people have families, and we need to encourage people to get out as families. The only way our kids are going to learn to appreciate the outdoors is if their parents take them there. Let's see some real outdoor companies encouraging families to get outdoors. (Never-mind the fact that the future of their business, and our natural world will depend on it).
Now time for our actual submission.

I'm the father in a family of five that needs to be outdoors. Therefore I (we) GoLite.
For our health...
Spending time being active in the outdoors is vital to the health of our family. Our physical health. Our emotional health. Our relational health. And our spiritual health. Making time for this necessary adventuring together means that we need to simplify other areas of our life. Therefore we go light.
For the environment...
I want my kids to grow up with a love for the outdoors. After all, they won't be able protect something that they don't have an appreciation for. I want them to learn that one of the biggest contributions that they can make to protecting our world is to consume less. Therefore we go light.
For our finances...
Taking the time to care for our children and live as sustainably as possible is a full-time vocational commitment, and limits our family's financial resources. But sustainability, by its very definition means living within our means. Therefore we go light.
For gear...
Keeping a family active and comfortable in the outdoors requires good gear. All of our purchases require careful planning and preparation; choosing fewer pieces of higher quality gear. Therefore we go light.
For space...
I don't think it's necessary to buy a home bigger than we need or a large gas-guzzling vehicle for transportation. Packing up for a week in the mountains means we need to fit all of our gear in the trunk of our aging 4-door sedan. Therefore we go light.
For time...
Having more stuff complicates our lives. I would rather spend time hiking with my family than cleaning, organizing, sorting, storing, buying, and selling stuff. Therefore we go light.
For mobility...
Having less gear in our trunk or in our packs means that we can go farther and higher, visiting places few other families go. We desire to see and experience the natural wonders of the outdoors. Therefore we go light.

Wow, your submission was
Wow, your submission was awesome! If that submission didn't win I would really like to read the one that did.
You re so right ! I live in
You re so right !
I live in France, Father of one 11 month old little girl and I was thinking how it was good in my childhood to go away with my parents for a week of trekking, hicking in the low montain and volcano parc in center of France...
I can't wait my daughter can walk so we can take her to walk in the nature everywhere,
it s my new long-term project, training slowly from easy contryside path to high montain.
And we started that in fact because when my wife was pregnant last year, we were hicking in Yosemite Park. lol
Hello Jerome, thanks for your comment. It is always very encouraging to hear about new parents thinking about the future and getting outdoors with their kids. It is also good that you are looking forward to the process, because it is as you put it a "long-term project". You don't just wake up one morning and all of a sudden hike a high mountain with your daughter, it takes slow training over many years. You definitely have the right mindset - if you are able to do this, it will be a real gift to your daughter and your family relationship!
Awesome post Damien. Reminds
Awesome post Damien. Reminds me of my childhood. Looking forward to doing this with my family in a few years. Gotta have kids first though!
Kids are a pre-requisite to family outdoor activity, but you can make a lot of choices up-front before having kids to set you on the right course.
[...] on the subject of going places with children I'd like to point you to Damien's latest article, Going Light at ADVENTUREinPROGRESS. Going light for us means having adventures with our 3 children in our 16 [...]
We're right there with you!
Found you through Prevention not Prescriptions...
Wonderful post - I enjoyed the photos very much. My family and I are the same way - we love to hike, bike, and canoe. Just love being outside... we crave it. And the time we get to spend together is priceless.
I've found too, that the more time we spend out time, the less "stuff" we need.
Thanks! I like the word you use... "crave"... our family finds that if we don't make it out, something doesn't quite feel right for the rest of the week.
[...] It wasn't very long ago that I was lamenting the fact that there weren't any serious outdoor companies showing families in their marketing materials. About a month later I got a catalog in the mail from Mountain Gear with this on the cover (please excuse the poor image quality): [...]