Our month of hard work is coming to a close in the best way possible - an end of summer backpacking trip. It got so bad last week that we considered, or perhaps it was just me throwing out a stress-induced idea, that we cancel or postpone our inaugural backpacking adventure. Yes, it's been that busy.
But come hell or high water (let's hope neither!) we are going this weekend. Damien's been preparing food like a fiend to make it happen. At this point in our camping routine it's the food that takes time. The gear can be packed up in a few hours but food - healthy, vegan, gluten free, calorie and nutrient dense - takes preparations days in advance. Right now the oven is cooling after baking mutchie-kakes for lunch on Day One. And in the humming dehydrator a pasta sauce is drying.

Our family LOVES this pasta sauce and it can be prepared with the ingredients you have on hand and what your family likes best. Pictured in this post is last month's camping trip pasta meal.
- Onions, garlic and optional veggies - summer squash, mushrooms, peppers
- A jar of good quality marinara sauce or make your own with pureed tomatoes, herbs and spices
- Beans or tofu, black beans are especially good
- Kalamata olives, optional but is a very tasty vegan cheese alternative

At home
Saute the onions, garlic and veggies till soft. Add sauce, beans and olives and heat through.
Spread on dehydrator tray. Our sauce filled 2 trays in the Excalibur. Dry at 125F at least 12 hours or until thoroughly dried, will vary depending on ambient humidity and thickness of sauce on tray.
On the trail
To rehydrate the sauce add double the amount of water to dried pasta sauce. Bring to boil and let simmer till thoroughly reconstituted. Shouldn't take more than 1/2 hour of cooking time.
While sauce is cooking rehydrate pasta (we cook and dehydrate pasta ahead of time to use less water, fuel and space on the trail).

May I just say that kalamata
May I just say that kalamata olives are NEVER optional. They are always required. ;-)
We absolutely agree!