When outfitting children for the outdoors, there is one assumption that you need to make: they WILL get wet.

The good news is that getting wet is OK, water won't kill you and the sooner that everyone comes to terms with that, the sooner everyone will be able to enjoy being out in all seasons. That being said, while getting wet won't kill you, getting cold will. That is where having a well thought-out clothing strategy comes in. Having the correct clothing for effectively managing moisture is one of most important requirements for having a comfortable, safe, and fun experience in the outdoors.
The foundation of our children's clothing system is (drumroll please)... underpants. Based on our experience, the following are essential requirements for children's underwear:
- Quick drying. The underwear must be made out of a quick drying fabric like polyester, nylon, or wool (or some combination thereof). Definitely NOT cotton (or any cotton blend). Cotton soaks up water like a sponge, takes forever to dry out, and completely loses it insulative value when wet. Cotton also tends to be abrasive when wet which can lead to chafing, something you definitely do not want to deal with in the middle of a long hike.
- Undershirt and briefs. Our childrens' underwear consists of two parts - a sleeveless undershirt and an pair of boxer briefs. One of the reasons we select boxer briefs is so that there are no big seams right between the legs where chafing can occur. Additional reasons for why we select what we do are described further on.
- Close fitting. The underwear must be close fitting - form-fitting being preferred - and there are several good reasons for this. First, the more close fitting the garment, the quicker it will dry. When clothing gets wet, the primary way that it dries out is by body heat. Clothing that is in close contact with the body will dry out much faster than if it is baggy. Secondly, close fitting underwear will make your children feel warmer in cold/wet conditions. When the outer loose-fitting layers of clothes are wet they can be cold. When those layers brush against the skin they can chill the child. Having a form-fitting layer as a base will help provide a barrier from the looser fitting layers chilling the child when they brush against the skin.
- Modest. As conditions get warmer and/or activity ramps-up, layers of clothing are removed. We select our childrens' underwear such that it can be worn alone and be acceptable in public - much like a bathing suit. In fact, we don't bring bathing suits on our wilderness trips, the kids just wear their underwear.

So far, the two brands we have found that meet all of our criteria are Nike and Under Armour. Both brands make form-fitting sports underwear for kids out of a lycra-like fabric. These garments are usually designed to be worn both on as underwear or on their own in hot, conditions - perfect for what we need.
At times in the past our kids have been wet and cold, or hot and sweaty. At other times they have complained about not having their bathing suits upon discovering a nice body of water to play in. This system was born out of necessity.
We trialed it for the first time last year and have had tremendous success. It has been so successful in fact that the outdoor underwear has morphed into everyday underwear that our kids prefer to wear all the time. If our son had his way, his underwear would never go in the laundry.

Under cover...
Would you recommend these brands for adults too? Do you buy them online?
Absolutely, they make great underwear for adults as well. You can usually find the adult sizes at almost any reputable athletic clothing store, there are several places locally where I can buy it here. The kids sizes are much more difficult to find in stores, so I have to purchase those online.
Kids Hiking cloths
good post, hardly every see anything writen about kids hiking clothes.
BackpackBaseCamp Blog
Thanks, I agree, it is my
Thanks, I agree, it is my plan to do a lot more on this topic.
online sources
Can you recommend an online source for the kids sizes? Abby has major sensory issues going on and some non-chafing undies would make a world of difference I think. Usually they last a few hours and then end up mysteriously on the floor!
Sure! Locally (since I know you are local), you can buy UnderArmor in kids sizes at Gee and Bee (or is it Bee and Gee?) sports in Auburn. We find that Nike has wider, more comfortable waist bands however. You somtimes can find kids sizes of Nike stuff at Olympia sports (but I haven't checked there in a LONG time, so I don't know what they carry these days). Lately, we have ordered online from a couple of places including Nike.com and SportsAuthority.com
Love It
Can I just say I loved this post? I love that your kids run around in their skivvies, and that they are fantastic multi-taskers (the underpants, I mean), and that you wrote about it with humor and style. This definitely brought a smile to my day.
This advice works not only
This advice works not only for children, but also for adults. You described my criteria for underwear quite well, even if I might still carry swim trunks with me. :D
Great post, filled with lots of useful information.
[...] kids running around in what appear to be tight black underwear. It is. We've written about the underwear our kids wear for hikes. It's a great system and if you do any hiking with kids near water (I sure hope [...]
came over to read this from a
came over to read this from a FIMBY mention today and was finding this informative and sensible - until the end. you got a honest to goodness out loud laugh from me! i can hear my little brother bursting out with that very same rhyme :)
I have been looking for a
I have been looking for a bathing suit option for my nine-year-old son. He gets terrible rashes from the mesh in typical suits. I'd love to get him into something like your kids wears. Here are my concerns...
won't his private parts end up being visible bumps in the fabric? and, he is totally going to think they are underwear and not want to wear them as a bathing suit. He has a "thing" about only using stuff for their intended purposes and if he thought he was wearing undies in public...eek!, but I could introduce the product as a suit and that may help
Our children really only use
Our children really only use these as bathing suits when we are in the outdoors, usually there aren't a lot of people around. For more public situations, my son often uses a pair of long-ish nylon hiking shorts (from MEC or Patagonia). They don't have a mesh, and he seems quite happy with them (although he is pretty easy to please).
Hi! Great post! I'm a
Hi! Great post! I'm a beginner (with kids) and it helped me a lot.
I've been looking for underwear and found nike fitdry brand.Do you find it appropriated?
Thanks :)
The Nike Dri-Fit stuff is not
The Nike Dri-Fit stuff is not intended for underwear use, so I wouldn't consider it for use as a base layer. Nike Pro (i.e. Nike Pro Combat Core shorts and tops) on the other hand works great. I think that Nike NPC Core stuff would also work good, although we haven't tried it.