This month we celebrated fourteen years of marriage. We committed "till death do us part" so we're in for the long haul. Fourteen isn't as much as 25 or 30 but it's on the way there. It's a milestone worth marking.

When I made my vows as a young woman there were many things I didn't know about this man with whom I share my heart, body, struggles, hopes, plans, toil, children, memories and laughter. But I knew the really important things: he was committed to his faith, was a man of his word, valued family and cherished me. What more was there to really know?
Of course there was more to know and I spent our pre-marriage days finding out all I could about this man to judge if he would be a suitable partner for the rest of my life. I had a mental checklist and I seriously critiqued him in those most important areas (and some not so important) before I even allowed myself to consider "falling in love". But when I fell baby, boy did I ever. Damien is the center of my world and it feels scary and vulnerable to admit such intense devotion to my husband.

I know I've written a little about that here before. And I also know that writing about matters of the heart is a bit of a deviation from trip reports, minimalist shoe reviews and backpacking tent recommendations. But I can honestly say behind all those techy/gear type posts is a marriage partnership and shared activity between an adventure-loving husband and a learning-to-love adventure wife. The heartbeat of everything we do together and write, even gear reviews, is our love for each other.
Damien's love for me was his giving up competitive cycling because it interfered too much with family time. Then finding a new physical activity we could all do together and patiently encouraging us every step of they way. Never forcing, but leading in love. Love is his research and planning to get gear to keep me comfortable, safe and warm. It's carrying my camera and sometimes even my pack when I'm miserable and dare I say, a pain in the ass.

My role in all of this has been mostly responsive; it is realizing that outdoor adventures make him happy and choosing to follow because loving this man means loving adventure.
How ironic, and perhaps not so surprising, that this innate interest of his is both so attractive and compelling to me (I am inspired by people who push the boundaries) and at the same time exasperating. And I guess this is one of those things that I didn't realize when I married this man; how much I'd grow and change for the better in choosing to support, embrace and learn to love something he loves.

I am not trying to say "look at me, aren't I the model wife". If only you could see the tears of self-pity I've shed, the shameful outbursts on the trail and the woes-me complex I sometimes carry around. Pathetic.
Marriage means sacrifice. It means giving up of ourselves to help our spouses realize their dreams and potential. Walking hand in hand with someone, helping them become who they were meant to be. Isn't this the best gift we can give each other?

Of course this sacrifice goes both ways and I would not want you to think I'm the one who has given up the most. I'm fairly certain that is not the case. We don't keep tabs on that in our relationship but I'm pretty certain Damien has given up more for me. Being the sole provider for years, being steadfast in that responsibility so I can stay home and fulfill my dream as a stay at home mother, homemaker & homeschooler. Yep, this is my dream job. And Damien makes it possible.
I love this man so much and if what he wants from me is to walk with him through the woods and up mountains (literally and figuratively) why wouldn't I?
Yes, it scares the socks right off me somedays to hear him dream and plan our next life adventure. And the truth be known I don't particularly like sweating and sometimes I feel so tired on the trail I want to fall down and throw a tantrum. But we work through those issues (and a host of others) because that's what you do when you're married. I'm pretty sure that's somewhere in our vows.

I might not have realized Damien was such an adventurous guy when we married. But likewise there was no guarantee he'd be such a great husband and father. So if having adventures with me is what he wants I'm trusting and holding on for the ride.
I loved this post, Renee. I
I loved this post, Renee. I struggle so much with the differences between me and my husband sometimes. We've been married only five years and I pray I have the wisdom that you do to appreciate those differences and work towards oneness unselfishly.
Thanks so much for "pouring your heart out" in this one. These are the kind of posts from you that I absolutely adore.
Happy Anniversary!!! 14 years
Happy Anniversary!!! 14 years is awesome!
Beautiful entry, Renee - and
Beautiful entry, Renee - and happy anniversary you two!
[...] Loving this man means loving adventure. [...]
Wow, what a great post to read!
I'm single, nothing on the horizon ;o) but this gives me some hope that one day I might meet a (lucky) guy and have something even vaguely similar.
Sums up my relationship
I keep re-reading this post. I wonder if it's how my wife feels about me.
This is a great post
This is a great post Renee....I'm not as good with words as you are, but you expressed so much of what I feel about my husband and our marriage (also celebrated 14 years this summer). I have been stretched way out of my comfort zone because of him. Like Damien, Kevin is an adventurer and I am thankful for our partnership as we raise our family experiencing one adventure after another. If I had lived life the way I wanted, it would have been very boring! Many times I have found myself in situations (climbing the face of a rock cliff, in a kayak in Lake Superior, sailing down the Columbia River, etc.) thinking, "What in the world am I doing here?" But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thank you Jill for sharing
Thank you Jill for sharing here. I sometimes feel alone in following my husband down this path so it is very nice to hear from other women walking the same journey!
I agree. If I lived my life according to my own (limited) vision it would be quite boring indeed. I am a stuck in the details kind of person - which is great for managing a home well but I don't have a eye for the big picture and adventure. Thank goodness for partners who round us out a bit.
It goes both ways babe. If I
It goes both ways babe. If I didn't have you to guide us in managing the details, we probably would have spun out of control a long time ago.
Great post
I was never an 'outdoors' type, but slowly have become one because of the exact reasons you give here. And you know what? I am really thankful for that because you know what? I like this outdoors stuff :)
And I thought you might appreciate this - when I was in labour, going through the transition stage, like many women I had a case of the 'I can't do this anymore, really I just can't' and my husband calmly talked me through it. Discussing it later he said 'I have walked you up enough mountains where you claimed you couldn't make it to the summit, so I knew how to talk you through that labour'! So there you go - not only good for the soul and your health, mountain walking is also a good psychological training ground for having a baby.
[...] trip) I'm re-posting one of my favorite posts I've written about our marriage. I originally published this last year at ADVENTUREinPROGRESS. It's all still true today. Even more [...]
Helo Renee, i love reading your blog. You write so well:)
Im from indonesia, salam kenal